22/2/2012: Marie Curie post-doctorate position, Technical University of Barcelona

WSN4QoL is an Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways Marie Curie Project (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IAPP, 10240021) that aims at bringing together experts from industry and academia, with the goal to design innovative Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies for a more efficient pervasive healthcare system.

The project is based on the collaboration of three partners, one University (Technical University of Catalonia-UPC-BarcelonaTECH), a private company specialized in healthcare provisioning (VIDAVO) and a spin-off company with expertise in testbed implementation of wireless protocols (WEST). WSN4QoL aims to build a bridge between academic and industrial research, by establishing a network of scientific collaboration between experienced and new researchers with advanced training opportunities.



The WSN4QoL offers the following position in the Technical University of Catalonia-UPC-BarcelonaTECH:

• A Marie Curie post-doctorate position (Experienced Researcher (ER) with 4-10 years’ experience) in the area of Wireless Sensor and Body Area Networks. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering or related fields and demonstrate capacity of carrying out innovative research independently. Fluency in English is required. The selected candidate will be involved the design of protocols and energy-efficient algorithms based on cooperative network coding for wireless technologies and body area sensor networks.



• The ER must, at the time of selection, be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience.

• The must fulfill the mobility requirements of the People program.



The fellowship is awarded for a period of 18 months.The researchers will have a regular contract with the same rights and obligations as any other staff member of the host institution. Candidates should start within 2 months of the acceptance of the fellowship.

Marie Curie IAPPs provide competitive financial support to the ERs including a competitive monthly living and mobility allowances.



Application Deadline: 15/05/2012

To apply, please send by email:

• a cover letter detailing your suitability for the position in question.

• a detailed CV.

• the name and address of two referees to support your application.


All applications should be sent to:

• Melani Gurdiel Garcia (melani.gurdiel@tsc.upc.edu)

Candidates must ensure that all information is included before the deadline. Incomplete proposals will not be considered eligible.

Once the application is submitted, an acknowledgement of receipt will sent by e-mail to the applicant.